Presentations 2022

“Ortho Restorative dentistry for every dentist and every patient”
Tif Qureshi, BDS
Tif will show how imaging and communication can be used as part of every single checkup to build a large list of educated patients who are highly aware of what is going on dentally and arguably more likely to choose an interceptive treatment as a result, using images gathered over 20 years. This can completely replace dental charting and is far superior for real monitoring of tooth wear and other dental changes He will also outline some of the simple functional checks he uses to monitor and educate patients about the long term functional changes with the goal of preventing any patient ever needing rehabilitation treatments.

„Digital protocols in implant dentistry for everyday practice“
Maja Chmielewska, DDS, MSC
Computers make our work faster and life easier, once you know how to use specific tools. The ‘once’ raises many questions. What are the minimum requirements to apply digital workflows? What do you need to work fully digital, and most importantly – what can you expect.